Is It Worth It To Get Central AC?

Are you still relying on fans and window units to cool your home, apartment, mobile home, or townhouse during…
a living room with a couch and a fireplace

Are you still relying on fans and window units to cool your home, apartment, mobile home, or townhouse during the hot summer months? If your answer to that question is yes, then you might want to consider having Direct AC install a central air conditioner in your home instead.

While fans do help circulate the air in your home, they don’t do much to cool it down. While window air conditioner units do cool your home, they normally only cool one room, which leaves the rest of your home uncomfortably hot. Also, window units tend to be boxy and bulky, making the outside of your home look bad because they jut out of your windows for all the world to see.

Some homeowners opt for several window units to cool their homes, but that presents its own set of problems when their light bills soar. In this article, you’ll find a few reasons that investing in a central air conditioner unit is the best idea you’ve had in a long time.

Consistent, Comfortable Temperature


A window air conditioner unit may be able to cool one or two rooms in your home, but the rest of your house is going to be hot and humid. On the other hand, a Direct AC unit keeps your entire home at a consistent and comfortable temperature. An air conditioner from Direct AC pushes cool air through the vents in your home, ensuring that the whole place remains cool. This air conditioner service is a company that can install your HVAC unit for you, inspect it, and then keeps it running in tip-top shape all year long.

Another great thing about central AC’s is that you don’t have to turn them off every time you leave your home like you do window units. Since central AC units are designed to switch off when it reaches the ideal temperature you’ve set with your programmable thermostat, you can leave it on when you’re away.

For example, if you’re visiting Corinth and stop by their Corinth Area Convention And Visitors Bureau for the first time for information on their Civil War artifacts and tourism council, with a window AC, you’ll be thinking about how hot your house will be when you get home. If, while in Corinth, you have a central AC system installed by Direct AC in your home instead, you can enjoy your foray into Corinth, learn about the Civil War, and still have the peace of mind in knowing your home will be nice and cool when you get there.

Adds Value to Your Home


Adding a central unit to your house can add value to the home if you ever decide to sell so long as you keep the AC unit well-maintained and working as it should. Potential home buyers look at whether the home they’re considering has central heat and air or window ACs when they decide whether to make an offer or not. The summers are getting hotter, no matter where you live, so having a central unit in your home will only help you sell it if that time ever comes.

It’s safer for your family.


Keeping your windows open during a heatwave may help to cool your home down a bit, but it comes with its own set of dangers as well. Pests, such as mosquitos and gnats, can easily find their way into your home through the screens and transmit diseases that can hurt you and your family. Having your windows open is also like an invitation to many intruders. With central air, you can keep your windows closed, be cool, and still protect your family.

These are just a few of the reasons that you should trade in your fans and window units for central heat and air before summer begins this year. It’s safer, and you’ll breathe much easier when the day is done.