Tampa residents know the importance of preparation during the buildup to hurricane season. Every summer and early fall, Floridians, and those living in the particularly vulnerable Tampa Bay area get ready to brace their homes and families for the worst storms of the year. While Tampa is nicknamed the lightning capital of the world, hurricanes and the season itself put the year-round showers that fall gently across the flat farmlands of mid-Florida to shame.
Getting ready for the high-intensity winds and onslaught of drenching rain is all about know-how and experience. Protecting the entry door to your home, installing hurricane windows, and preparing for power outages with a backup generator and the other staples are all-time honored traditions in a Tampa home.
If you’re new to the area, this guide can help you prepare for the worst that nature can throw your way this hurricane season.
Get a backup generator for uninterrupted power throughout the stormy weather.
Genuine generator parts and accessories are often hard to come by in the later months of the season—and especially directly before the landfall of a storm that’s headed for a portion of the Florida coastline. This means that you’ll want to get your power supply and accessories accounted for ahead of time.
With the heavy winds that accompany these storms, power lines could be knocked down, leaving your home without electricity for days or even weeks in the most extreme of circumstances. A new power source that can act as a backup supply to get you through the worst of the storm is a welcome addition to any Florida home during this time of year.
Floridians who have lived through the power issues of past hurricanes are often intimately familiar with the card games by candlelight routine. This is a time-honored tradition among hurricane-prone homes, yet times have changed. Today, families can bring in a power source that’s energy-efficient and cost-effective in order to light select areas of the house and protect the perishable goods in the refrigerator and freezer.
Secure the windows and exterior fittings.
Many families in the south have pools in their backyard. This is a particularly prevalent amenity in Florida’s sunny atmosphere. This means that you have a built-in security system for the heavy furniture and deck toys that are surely laying around the patio space behind your home. During a storm, these can become projectiles that threaten the structural integrity of your property and the safety of your family, if you’ve chosen to ride out the storm, that is.
Many Floridians, therefore, have learned to toss their backyard fixtures into the depths of the water. This places them safely out of reach of any gusting winds and protects you, your home, and your furniture.
In addition, it’s a great idea to hire window installers to put in hurricane windows in order to add that extra layer of security for your peace of mind and the safety of your family and personal belongings in the home. A durable replacement window for your Tampa or St. Petersburg home is the perfect way to ensure that your home improvement project is being put to good use. In the window world, there’s nothing better than hurricane-resistant windows.
Oftentimes, storms that reach the shores of Florida have decelerated and provided a mild or moderate threat to the majority of neighborhood homes. However, this is due in large part to the superior construction and hurricane windows installations that have occurred across the state for a generation or more. Tampa window installation in order to stem the danger of an oncoming hurricane is no joke, so hiring professional contractors with years of experience in the industry is a great idea.
Protect your family with these action items. You’ll be glad you made the effort to prepare for hurricane season in advance.